New adventure added – I think I may be an addict

by Christina

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So there are some photos of Melaka. My swiss friend from Koh Tao messaged me on facebook today saying something along the lines of “Sumatra is so beautiful and CHEAP.” I repeated this to the people I was hanging out with in my hostel and one chirped up and said “Ya know Sumatra is only a 2 hour boat ride from here.” BINGO, I’m going to Indonesia. Apparently within Sumatra is the largest volcanic lake in the world. I’m up for seeing anything that is the largest anything in the world, so count me in. It’s called Lake Toba and its lovely. I’ll be staying at a hotel on an island within an island in this volcanic lake. Let’s hope it doesn’t blow! It’s so super cheap, I can have a whole bungalow and private bath with hot water 10 meters from the beach for the same price I’m paying for a dorm in Malaysia (<USD$5). woohoo.  So the plan is to leave Melaka on Sunday, take the 2 hour boat ride to Dumai where I’ll take an 8 hour bus ride to Lake Toba and hopefully arrive in one piece, eventually. I hear its a bumpy ride to the lake. I’ll only be spending a week on the lake, a week in Indonesia, before I come back to Malaysia and finish what I had planned – Penang to Cameron Highlands to Taman Negara Rainforest to Perhentian Islands and then shoot up Thailand via train to Bangkok for my flight to Mumbai on November 12.

 A trip that was supposed to just be India has turned into – India, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia. I am truly blessed. Here’s hopin’ my money lasts as long as I think it will. EEPP!

love. love. love.